Friday, June 26, 2009

A long time

Long time Hi Friends!

I have had several requests to update the has been awhile and some things have changed. I finished chemo the beginning of May and I am truly getting stronger. I feel like I am finally outta of the "chemo cloud" and can think clearly and process info better now. :)

It has been a process to get of the meds however. My awesome oncologist was decreasing my pain meds when we hit a glitch. My body basically went into withdraw for three to four days. Withdraw for all who don't know about it is awful. I can honestly say it is worse than chemo. You have no control over your body, I was crying for 3 hours straight, hot and cold flashes less than 2 minutes apart, your kinda in an illusion state with no control. mom called my doc one day when this was going on and they then increased my meds to get me outta this problem.

From there they contacted a pain med specialist or addiction specialist really, and set up an apt. for me b/c they no longer knew how to get me off this med safely. Little did I know this drug, Oxycontin, is a very popular street drug :) Man I could have make a lot of money if I only knew...HA Anywho...this apt. was very interesting to say the least, I am in a waiting room with some druggies and very interesting yet somewhat amusing people. The guy next to me wanted to know if I was on meth. :0... and all I was thinking was why in the world am I here and thank goodness the kids aren't with me!!!

The doc i saw was interesting too. He left the door open during my apt. and made several phone calls in listening distance away, which I thought I should definitely not be hearing about these other "patients". In my mind I was thinking HIPPA is out the window here. :) A learning exp. to say the least.What the doc told me was my opioids in my brain were not functioning the correct way without the Oxycontin that I had been on for 7 months. It wasn't that I was addicted or opioid dependent it really wasn't even my fault, it could be genetic or just some freak thing that happens occasionally. So we switched drugs ( there goes my extra income :)) and now I am on a drug that they are slowly weaning me off of over 12 weeks.

Right now my mom and sister in law Jillia are rotating and still helping with the kids on a daily basis from 8 to 5. Thanks to them more than they know. Annabelle is now 3 1/2 and doing quite well, she has gone through the ringer with me and has understood most of (too much in my opinion) what has been going on. She has grown up a little too quickly but has done wonderful through this all. She has been past back and forth to numerous caregivers and has had to figure what is expected of her in each situation, no easy feat by any means. She will be attending two days of preschool in the fall, where does the time go. God bless that little girl.

Talin is now one and walking and tearing the house apart. He has been hard to watch him grow up before eyes and miss so much of it, thanks to all who loved him so much for me when I couldn't even hold him on some days. It truly takes a village to raise a little boy!

Hopefully, if this new drug doesn't have too many side affects I am going to cut my help for the kids in half and only have them come from 8:00 to nap time around 1:00 and care for the kids myself until Seth gets home around 5:00. Then maybe every other day or something like that, we will see. I am planning on teaching again at New Branches in the fall. I will be teaching P.E. again for two full days and stay at home the rest and love up my kids.

i am right now going for blood work every other week instead of weekly. I will do this for two months and then I will get tested monthly for a year and then God willing no more pokes for a long long time!!!So right now I am still living day by day but trying to regain the normal life whatever that may be. I can cook dinner again, and mainly care for my kids again, and we can go to the store, and church, take small walks and things I couldn't do for a long time. I am starting to grow some hair :) and I have to shave my legs again go figure, but this time around I look at it as a blessing believe it or not.

I appreciate the life I have been given and the people who God has sent into my life. Seth and I have been through a lot and are still adjusting everyday to the situation we are in. Some days are tougher on our marriage and it is very hard. But then God blesses us again. Someone once told me that years 6 and 7 are the toughest years of marriage. On June 28 God will bless Seth and I with 6 years of marriage. I now know and believe that we can tackle anything, even years 6 and 7. Seth has been outstanding through this and has been a rock for me to lean on. Nothing is easy in life, esp. cancer. But I know God has brought us together and together we will go forth and live a great life.

I want to thank all my readers and all my prayer warriors together you have helped fight the toughest fight I have ever had. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. I won't be updating the blog again unless something major changes. I truly think I am on the road to recovery and God is blessing me every day with more strength. I am certainly not 100% yet, that could take a full year, but well on the way. You have all touched my heart and my family in many many untold stories. We love you all and CAN NEVER thank you enough for all you have done for us and on behalf of us.

Feel free to contact me if you choose: or I am on facebook as well.
I love you all-Meg, a cancer survivor!

Friday, May 1, 2009

All Done

Well I am here at home and offically done with chemo. It seems a little odd to be closing this chapter but there will still be enough blood tests and appointments to keep it open I guess. I start blood tests on monday and then have a cat scan on the 11th (hopefully my last one) then next week an appointment at the oncologist. So we will see what goes on from here. Thanks to all for prayers, rides, support etc...We could have never done it without all of you.

Friday, April 24, 2009

One more to go

Starting Monday I enter hopefully my last round of chemo...ever! I went to the oncologist and got some more information.

This will be my last scheduled round of chemo unless my numbers start to go up again. I will have weekly blood tests for awhile (a few months) then move to every other week etc...

I will have another cat scan and chest x-ray to see if some spots on my lungs/back are changing. I have one spot on my back that they still want to watch closely. Then depending on the results of that a PET scan if necessary which is kinda like a cat scan but more detailed and if that still shows a significant spot, surgery to get the spot out. The PET scan and surgery are last resorts and kinda unlikely. Just throwing that out there to let you know that cancer is never really done, there is always something.

It is kinda hard for me to get really excited about being done, when the docs always give the what ifs and never the 100% you're done. I am very hesitant going forward but yet sort of happy.

It is going to be very hard to go through this next round of chemo knowing that I already hit zero and I have to feel like crap again for a week.

To tell the truth, it is very scary to go into recovery after I have been living the cancer life for 6 months or so. I realize that with time I am going to be responsible for making dinner, taking care of my kids all day by myself, and taking care of the house etc...These are things that I have done nothing with for half a year, and now I have to teach myself again how to do them and balance them with normal life. So prayer requests in this area.

I will let you know of any changes in the next few days.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Well I am home. I was released from Butterworth on Sunday evening. I am still on meds for several days and plus new addititional meds then sent home with me. Things are going ok, still plenty tired and still need constant help with the kids. I have an apt. thursday with the oncologist and we will go from there. That's all for now. :)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

More news....finally

A lot has happened since the last post...My count was at three for many weeks and we thought I would have to have my chemo changed. That was not the case however.

Thursday: I went to an appointment at the oncologist and found out that my count was actually down to two. Yea two. After lots of discussion between Dr.'s they decided that my baseline number would be two. Which means that they pretty much were counting two as zero. Also they were planning only one more chemo round for good.

I also went into the oncologist fighting a fever since Monday and having a (yet another) nasty cold. Plus fighting blackouts and being dizzy when standing. So after some blood cultures I found (once we got back home ) that I would need another blood transfusion pretty fast. My hemogloban number was 6.8 and normally they start to consider giving blood at 8.2ish, so needless to say I needed some blood, the problem was I was considered symptomatic and I needed to go to the hospital to have a private room, no rooms were currently available. So we had to wait. Later that afternoon we got a call and we headed to Butterworth.

Thursday evening I got two units of blood and some magnesium again and that made me feel only a little better because my cold was so bad. I continually was fighting a fever and that lovely freezing to burning instantly phenomenon. I originally was only suppose to stay in the hospital over night for the blood, but that was no longer the case.

Friday: Nothing spectacular happened I was still fighting fevers and now I wasn't keeping any food down. We were waiting on the results of chest x-ray to see what was going on. The doc finally ordered some antibiotics, but that takes hours to finally make it to the patient, so I was still in bad shape.

Saturday: I am not sure how much of the following happened in the middle of the night or not, it gets a bit foggy after awhile. :) I found out that the chest x-ray revealed that I have pneumonia, not to fun. So I am here at least until my fevers are gone and I can keep food down, the antibiotic I currently am on can be transferred to pill form to go home.

I also found out my beta count actually went to zero if not negative numbers. THANK THE LORD and thanks to all you for praying all the time GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!
I still have one round of chemo to finish and timing of that will depend on my health and condition ( it currently is suppose to start Monday but might be delayed a week). Then hopefully this will start to be behind us and I can start the long road to recovery and hair growth. :)

I will try to keep you all updated in the next few days with changes. thanks

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Change and no change

Hi everyone,
No huge updates to give you but some little ones. It's been 12 weeks with the chemo i have been on so they finally took out the bleomyicin which has been giving the high fevers and many many blistering areas all over my body. The bleo was the realy toxic stuff I was on, so it's nice to be off that.

My beta count has stayed at 3 for three weeks now so....we are glad it's not going up but it's not going down either. Our guess is that when I go back to the oncologist they will most likely switch my chemo again to something else. Which can change my schedule and who knows what else. So prayers in this area would be appreciated. Thanks

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Okay sorry again about the lack of updates but I have been busy. Busy by running to appointments and to the ER etc...

Last week Sunday we made the trip to the ER because I wasn't feeling good and ended up getting some potassium and then being sent home.

Monday I was in for my chemo and then was sent back to the ER because I needed blood and my magnesium was critically low so almost five hours later we got to go home.

Then on Tuesday we had to go to a follow up appointment at my Oncologist's office for a check up.

Friday I had a cat scan on my pelvis, ab area and chest. All this well I was fighting a terrible cold and wasn't eating much at all because my throat was really swollen. What a week.

Which brings us to this week Monday I went into my regular scheduled chemo and found out my blood was low along with my magnesium again.

So on my "down" week I went in on Tuesday and wed. to get blood and magnesium. Along with an eye dr. apt., brought both kids to check ups, and had another apt. at the oncologist. I am telling ya busy busy busy.

My beta number stayed at 3 for two weeks now. I am starting to finally feel back to normal now that chemo is almost here again for 5 days. :) My cat scan results were looking good and everything that was there before has decreased. So that is a good thing.

Where we are now is that we are hoping that my number is not leveling off. If that is the case a switch might have to be done in the type of chemo I am getting. We want the number to go down again and then the road to recovery can begin.

God is in control of everything and this is in his hands. I know the road of suffering is long but the glory at the end I can only imagine :) Please keep praying!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

New week and new numbers

Hi everyone,

Time for the new update. Zero escaped us this week but we didn't go up either. I was at 6 and went to 4. This is good, but I know we have a great God and He is all powerful and can get me to zero. I just need to have more patience. Please keep praying because my numbers are still going down. This will come to an end eventually.

kids update:

Annabelle: Was very excited that Aunt Cassie is staying with us this week. Unfortunately this is the last week Cass is going to be able to stay with us. The Workmans have bought a house in Ohio and are moving very soon. So we thank Cass for all her willingness since about January to live with us every couple of weeks--it has made all the difference in our lives.

Talin: A trooper as always, has 3 teeth coming in and you wouldn't even know. Still as naughty as ever getting into EVERYTHING possible including the trash, which now resides on our counter most of the time-yuck. He is not walking yer but it come sooner than mom wants. HE will pull to stand on anything and is now standing with flatter feet than before for more we all know it's coming in time. He now is just short of 9 months.

Thanks again for all your continued dedicated support and prayers.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Another week of numbers

Hola (hello for those that need translation) :) hehe

Last week I didn't post anything because there was minor changes and therefore not blog worthy in my opinion. :0 My beta count was 10 and last week it went to 13 and that was about it. I did get some more blood, but that's about it.

This week my number went down again to six. Single digits now guys. Remember I have at least 2 more sessions to go once we hit zero. As glad as I am to hear six, to me it's not zero and therefore I need at least 6 more weeks of chemo and more time to get to zero. This is a long hard road for me and I and emotionally ready and needing zero more than anything now. Spring is on the way and I am ready for a change in a major way.

So please pray because this is getting harder now more than anyother time, or at least it seems that way. I am going to boldly ask that everyone pray that my beta count does not go up anymore. If it goes up that just prevents me more from getting done with this all. So please pray and pray earnestly and with conviction. Thanks in so many ways.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Still going down.

Well we will start off with some good news :) This past Monday my beta count was lower again! I am now down to 10. Pretty exciting stuff. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. So we are still working towards hitting zero and then I will have two more rounds of three weeks each so we are looking maybe sometime in April wrapping this all up, that is if we stay on course. So keep praying please because once again this is working!

Kids update:
We are always battling colds as everyone of course. Talin is officially 8 months old now, crawling around the house as a mad man and recently found the steps so the baby gates are going up :)

Annabelle is close if not potty trained already, we made the big step of willingly pooping on the potty FINALLY. That's what we get excited about in the Napper house now :)

That's all for now. We wish happy and safe travels back from Calf. for most of the Napper family. We will see you soon.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Count back down

Well good news for everyone! My beta count went back down again. It was 47, then went up to 74 and back down to 29! There is light at the end of the tunnel that spring will be more refreshing than we thought. :) This week I have an apt. on Thursday as a normal check again and another lung test on Friday, so let's hope these apt. go well. Next week I might need help with a few rides in the morning around 8:00 to 9:00 and one in the afternoon around 2:00...we will see if we can get it figured out. Keep praying guys we are close to beating this thing!!!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The hair is finally gone, refreshing!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

count up a bit and puke puke puke

Another quick update for all.

Monday I went in for my hour long chemo and got called back the minute I got home because my potassium levels were extremely low and needed to be replenished immediately, so back I went in for another 2 hours during which i got an horrible swollen throat. Reaction? We are not sure. The potassim really helped my energy anyways, just not fun to go right back to chemo after you just got out!

Monday night Seth started to get really sick and throwing up etc... and stayed home on tuesday pretty unseen all day. Let's hope this clears quickly. Plus Annabelle was spitting up in the morning and pulled out a lovely throw up in the middle of Target on Tuesday! What fun luckily my sister was with me for some extra help. She is staying the night on tuesday thank goodness.

News about my counts...last monday I was at 47 and went up to 74 since then, which is horrible but not what we really were hoping for. We are thinking it could ust be the new chemo adjusting in my body yet so I am being watched carefully and tested again next monday to see where I am then.

Until then we need everyone HEALTHY again for the zillionth time this winter :)
Keep praying everyone....

Monday, January 26, 2009

Hello all again,
A lot has happened since the last post, we are having some tech. problems so it's been awhile. The following monday since the last post I was sick again, which means it was not the blood but a certain drug from the chemo called blyominicin. Again I had the high fevers, head aches and sickness but this time all at home. So something that is not fun to deal with. Toward the end of the week I went to my cancer OB for a semi-normal check up, he just sent me to go get some blood work done to make sure my port wasn't infected and therefore causing the sickness on Monday. All that came back normal, but my blood levels are low again. So this week Tues and Wed I am scheduled to get more blood which will extend my chemo day from 8:00-4:30ish instead out getting out at 2ish. Talk about a boring day sitting in a chair and watching TV. :( At least I will get some rest from the kids. :) The most EXCITING news is my count, (remember we want to hit zero) last count around 1800 and my count on the 26th is 47, that's right 47! Praise God again and again!!!!!!!! Keep praying that the rest of the treatments go quickly and I hopefully might beat this thing BEFORE spring! We can do it everyone! Until later....

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Well things continue to go well off the chemo. I feel good, still need a nap everyday but feel good. I was able to pack and take the kids to daycare on Thursday with minimal help from my mom and Friday I got them to her house alone. So it felt good to be a normal person again :) I am scheduled to go in Monday for fluids and one drug. That should only take about an hour and I can drive myself. So this coming week should be more of "normal" again. I still have someone everyday to help with the kids cause I just don't trust myself alone yet. The next week after the coming is back to 5 days of chemo. Until then we are somewhat enjoying watching Talin learning to crawl (he will be 7 months on Sunday) and having fun washing sheets because Annabelle is allowed no more diapers. :) Always fun at the Napper house. Keep praying because it is working!!!! Thanks again prayer warriors!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A brand new start

Hello everyone,
Sorry I have been meaning to update this sooner but time slips away. Anywho...I finished my my five straight days of chemo. Towards the end it got a bit draining and by the weekend I was totally exhausted beyond belief. But with help from family we were still able to give Annabelle a wonderful 3rd birthday party on Saturday. Sunday was a really really tiring day for me as well.

Then on Monday I went to get fluids and a blood transfusion. Turns out I ended up having some sort of reaction to the blood-fevers, headaches, lots of pain in the back, light headness, and nausea all came. So I stayed almost an extra hour and a half at chemo to relief the symptoms before heading home. I ended up getting probably a little more than half the blood I was intended to get. Good news beta count...last time we knew it was like 4300 something, now it has gone back down to 1400 something!!!!!! The new chemo is working!! That has given me the strength and hope to keep on going . :)

Tuesday has been a semi normal day for me. The new blood has given more energy so it seems good to be able to walk from room to room without getting tired. Thank the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever!!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Since last Saturday and look ahead

This is Seth writing....

A lot has happened the last 6 days since the last post. I will attempt to summarize without writing a book. Last Saturday and Sunday, Meg was having a lot of problems with her legs. Her hamstring and calf muscles were very weak and were causing her pain and she was having problems getting around. A trip from the living room to the kitchen was difficult for her and very frustrating as her legs were to weak to get her around. As Sunday morning progressed it was getting to the point that we were both concerned that something more was going on with Meg. Meg called her doctor and based on his recommendation we headed into the ER for some tests, the concern was that cancer had spread to the spine and that was causing the issues with the legs. We spent about 4 hours at the hospital on Sunday and the CT scans showed no cancer in the spine, the diagnosis was that the weakness and tingling in the legs must be a side effect of the chemo-it was a huge answer to prayer that the cancer was not in the spine, but it was still frustrating for Meg to leave the hospital with her legs still barely working. Monday Meg was feeling a little better and her legs were working for her better. Tuesday was another ok day-Meg was very tired and weak but her legs were feeling decent. Wednesday was another chemo day-outpatient at the cancer center downtown. At this appointment is was brought to Meg's attention that her Beta count was back up (twice in the last 3 weeks). This time the count was back over 3800 from the previous 1200. Wednesday night was a very tough night as we were contacted by Meg's doctor who wanted to set up an appointment for us Friday to discuss other chemo options as her current chemo treatment was no longer effective. We know God is in control, yet it is tough to hear that the chemo treatment that we thought would remedy this cancer is no longer working. Thursday we enjoyed the day as a family, but it was tough knowing that a Friday morning meeting with Meg's doctor was looming. Friday (today) was a very long day. We met Meg's doctor this morning and discussed the different chemo plan going forward. The change in chemo is to more "toxic" drugs that were not the first option, but now seem to be the approach needed to take care of this cancer. This approach is going to be tough as Meg has chemo treatment all 5 days next week. The following 2 weeks she will have chemo on Monday only and then another week of 5 days of chemo. This will continue for probably 12 weeks. Due to how tough one of these drugs is on the lungs, Meg had to go to the hospital today for a test to show that her respiratory system is strong enough for the treatment. Based on the results we received at the hospital it looks as though her lungs are very strong. Some other notes about the new chemo treatment include the fact that this chemo causes lots of nausea and causes some possible spikes in temperature, it also increases the risk for some other diseases in the future. Please pray for us.

Thanks to so many people for your love, support and most importantly prayers
The last week in particular I want to thank Jillia, Cassie, Mark and Becca, Dani and Jeremy, my mom and dad, Meg's mom and dad, Melissa and Scott V (I'm sure I missed some people)

Specific prayer requests:
-Strength for Meg this next week as she has 5 straight days of chemo
-That quickly this new chemo treatment decreases the beta count (to under 0 by or before the end of the next 12 weeks)
-That Meg will not get nausea from the chemo
-That Meg's lungs stay strong
-That Meg's temperature does not spike during these treatments
-That the kids will stay healthy and protected
-That I will be able to coordinate rides for Meg to and from chemo along with care for the kids along with hold down a job
-That Meg will be able to do all this chemo outpatient and not have to be admitted to the hospital for 5 days every 3 weeks

God is good all the time and all the time God is good.