Saturday, January 17, 2009

Well things continue to go well off the chemo. I feel good, still need a nap everyday but feel good. I was able to pack and take the kids to daycare on Thursday with minimal help from my mom and Friday I got them to her house alone. So it felt good to be a normal person again :) I am scheduled to go in Monday for fluids and one drug. That should only take about an hour and I can drive myself. So this coming week should be more of "normal" again. I still have someone everyday to help with the kids cause I just don't trust myself alone yet. The next week after the coming is back to 5 days of chemo. Until then we are somewhat enjoying watching Talin learning to crawl (he will be 7 months on Sunday) and having fun washing sheets because Annabelle is allowed no more diapers. :) Always fun at the Napper house. Keep praying because it is working!!!! Thanks again prayer warriors!!


Southern Belle said...

Can't believe how big Talin is getting. They both did great with pictures.
You are such a trooper and encouragement to many of us. You have helped to bring a change in our lives. Our focus on what is important has truly opened my eyes to a different world. Love You!

Kari said...

Megan and Seth,
Still praying for you! God is good, and it sounds like things are improving! I am glad to hear that! I'll keep praying for you and your family.