Friday, January 2, 2009

Since last Saturday and look ahead

This is Seth writing....

A lot has happened the last 6 days since the last post. I will attempt to summarize without writing a book. Last Saturday and Sunday, Meg was having a lot of problems with her legs. Her hamstring and calf muscles were very weak and were causing her pain and she was having problems getting around. A trip from the living room to the kitchen was difficult for her and very frustrating as her legs were to weak to get her around. As Sunday morning progressed it was getting to the point that we were both concerned that something more was going on with Meg. Meg called her doctor and based on his recommendation we headed into the ER for some tests, the concern was that cancer had spread to the spine and that was causing the issues with the legs. We spent about 4 hours at the hospital on Sunday and the CT scans showed no cancer in the spine, the diagnosis was that the weakness and tingling in the legs must be a side effect of the chemo-it was a huge answer to prayer that the cancer was not in the spine, but it was still frustrating for Meg to leave the hospital with her legs still barely working. Monday Meg was feeling a little better and her legs were working for her better. Tuesday was another ok day-Meg was very tired and weak but her legs were feeling decent. Wednesday was another chemo day-outpatient at the cancer center downtown. At this appointment is was brought to Meg's attention that her Beta count was back up (twice in the last 3 weeks). This time the count was back over 3800 from the previous 1200. Wednesday night was a very tough night as we were contacted by Meg's doctor who wanted to set up an appointment for us Friday to discuss other chemo options as her current chemo treatment was no longer effective. We know God is in control, yet it is tough to hear that the chemo treatment that we thought would remedy this cancer is no longer working. Thursday we enjoyed the day as a family, but it was tough knowing that a Friday morning meeting with Meg's doctor was looming. Friday (today) was a very long day. We met Meg's doctor this morning and discussed the different chemo plan going forward. The change in chemo is to more "toxic" drugs that were not the first option, but now seem to be the approach needed to take care of this cancer. This approach is going to be tough as Meg has chemo treatment all 5 days next week. The following 2 weeks she will have chemo on Monday only and then another week of 5 days of chemo. This will continue for probably 12 weeks. Due to how tough one of these drugs is on the lungs, Meg had to go to the hospital today for a test to show that her respiratory system is strong enough for the treatment. Based on the results we received at the hospital it looks as though her lungs are very strong. Some other notes about the new chemo treatment include the fact that this chemo causes lots of nausea and causes some possible spikes in temperature, it also increases the risk for some other diseases in the future. Please pray for us.

Thanks to so many people for your love, support and most importantly prayers
The last week in particular I want to thank Jillia, Cassie, Mark and Becca, Dani and Jeremy, my mom and dad, Meg's mom and dad, Melissa and Scott V (I'm sure I missed some people)

Specific prayer requests:
-Strength for Meg this next week as she has 5 straight days of chemo
-That quickly this new chemo treatment decreases the beta count (to under 0 by or before the end of the next 12 weeks)
-That Meg will not get nausea from the chemo
-That Meg's lungs stay strong
-That Meg's temperature does not spike during these treatments
-That the kids will stay healthy and protected
-That I will be able to coordinate rides for Meg to and from chemo along with care for the kids along with hold down a job
-That Meg will be able to do all this chemo outpatient and not have to be admitted to the hospital for 5 days every 3 weeks

God is good all the time and all the time God is good.


Jacki said...

Meg, Seth and family,

I just wanted to let you know we are praying for you! Thank you for listing specific prayers! Seth, Jason might have told you before, but I do not work on Wednesdays and Fridays, so please let me know when I can help out with the kids!

Love lots -
Jason, Jacki & Katelyn Rigterink

Kari said...

Still Praying for you Megan and Seth. Let me know if I can help with rides at all.

The Suhys said...

Hey, thanks for the shout out! You are so welcome, how could we not help out with our adorable niece and nephew? We love you all, and as always pray for you daily (ok, several times a day!) Hang in there, and we are standing by!
The Suhys

bingannron said...

i continue to pray for you everyday...I wish I could offer to do some more for you especially during this difficult week but our entire family is dealing with fevers and sickness that would be no help to you. So I will continue to pray and remind those I know to continue to include you all on their prayer lists.

Sending strength

Chris'n'Timmy said...

Hey Megan and family,
I have been keeping up on your post, and just wanted you to know that we are praying for you! What a blessing (hiding in the middle of the frustration) that the cancer has not spread. I pray that this stronger chemo will be more effective - and that you will have the strength to hang on through it.
Peace, Christy (jasperse) Swiney