Monday, March 2, 2009

Another week of numbers

Hola (hello for those that need translation) :) hehe

Last week I didn't post anything because there was minor changes and therefore not blog worthy in my opinion. :0 My beta count was 10 and last week it went to 13 and that was about it. I did get some more blood, but that's about it.

This week my number went down again to six. Single digits now guys. Remember I have at least 2 more sessions to go once we hit zero. As glad as I am to hear six, to me it's not zero and therefore I need at least 6 more weeks of chemo and more time to get to zero. This is a long hard road for me and I and emotionally ready and needing zero more than anything now. Spring is on the way and I am ready for a change in a major way.

So please pray because this is getting harder now more than anyother time, or at least it seems that way. I am going to boldly ask that everyone pray that my beta count does not go up anymore. If it goes up that just prevents me more from getting done with this all. So please pray and pray earnestly and with conviction. Thanks in so many ways.


PinkCutie514 said...

Megan, the verse that comes to mind for you is from Psalm 139, about "I am fearfully and wonderfully made" - - reading the beginning of the passage "You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O LORD. You hem me in—behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me." it reminds me how much God has 'invested' in you. May His love surround you this week as you patiently wait for the numbers to go down. You are His child & He is with you! Blessings! Cindy

Kat said...

Hey Meg dear,
I was so thrilled to see a 6- single digits, wow- I almost leaped out of my chair! And while that IS encouraging, I can hear the discouragement in your words. Know that I prayed for you the minute I read that, first, that your count would go to 0 ASAP, but most importantly that God would strengthen you no matter the circumstances. Immediately a verse that I hold dear came to mind-

Psalm 27:14- "Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD."

I tend to be a pretty impatient person, especially when I want what I know is good and right. God led me to this verse several years ago, when all my friends from Bible college were getting married and I wasn't! =) It moved me so much that my I enlisted my friend to help me write a song using these words as the chorus- it still rings through my head anytime I get fed up with waiting on the Lord! (How's that for the Holy Spirit working? =)

Anyways, now that my comment is longer than your original post, I will keep on praying for you and singing that song in my head for you. (and me, too, of course!) =) You are a beautiful, brave and strong woman beloved by God! May you feel yourself in the palm of His hand right now!

Love, Trina

Whitney said...

I am so thrilled that your numbers are down in the single digits! What wonderful news. Hang in there, don't get too frustrated (easier said than done, I know). We are earnestly praying for zero! Your battle is a constant reminder to me that God is hearing and answering my prayers. You are such a blessing!
Much love!

Unknown said...

Great news. Celebrate six! Six is such a blessing just as you're a blessing to us. You encourage us everyday. So, hang in there Meg. Remember that God is good all the time and all the time God is good!! We're praying for zero ASAP.

Mark and Becca