Monday, November 24, 2008


Today Meg went to the hospital in the morning for another chest x-ray to determine if the air bubble outside of her lung was gone. She was given the good news that the air bubble was gone this morning, but had to go home for about 4 hours with the tube clamped off to make sure that the bubble would not come back with the tube not pulling air out. She went back and the x-ray still showed no bubble and the chest tube was taken out. What a huge blessing. Thanks mom for taking Meg to the hospital twice so I could get back to work. Today both Talin and Annabelle went to the Peds as they both have been fighting sickness. They both were determined to just have colds and were given some medication to help hopefully speed the healing process up (thanks to Meg's mom, brother and sister for helping with the kids while Meg was at the hospital and also getting the kids to the doctors). Meg had a good day with pain and had a pretty positive day with how she felt. It helped that she did not need to get a shot tonight (I was ok with that too). Be praying for Meg's blood count to go up, that she would not catch a cold and that the chemo treatment on Wednesday/Thursday would go well. Good night.


KAFaber said...

God is SO good...what an answer to prayer! We will definatley keep praying for Meg to stay healthy and that the pain meds can be kept under control. It was nice to see Seth in church yesterday and get a live face to face update. We love you both and miss you...GET WELL SOON MEGAN!!!

Healthy Hugs...Anita

bushfamily said...

Yeah!!!!! That's all I have to say!!

bingannron said...

So happy to hear about a positive day! I am sure that being at home has helped. We will send some extra prayers up for Wednesdays treatments!!