Saturday, December 6, 2008

More news from Meg

Hello to everyone, hope you are all doing well. This past week honestly has been a tougher one for us. Sick kids adds a huge draining effect to you even when you are healthy. My parents stole our kids on Friday night :) and let Seth and I sleep the night something that hasn't happened in weeks! Thanks mom and dad.

I have been put on potassium twice a day, not sure why but I am hoping it will give me a little more strength, which I have been lacking a lot more of. I also have been having a tough time regulating my body temp., either really hot or super super cold. I talked to my Doctor and found out that it is actually hot flashes which is kinda silly. The chemo is suppressing my hormones which is sorta putting me in a menopause state. Along with that comes emotions and lots of them. I am crying all the time and really with no reason which is very annoying. I try not to break down in front of the kids but sometimes I just can't help it. So that just makes life a little harder to deal with.

This week I have an apt. on Tuesday with my oncologist and then on wed morning I go into the hospital again for a 12 hour chemo session and I will be home again on Thursday at some point. My goal is to start on my research paper that I have to finish for my grad class that I have taken an incomplete in so far. One day it will get done....

I have gotten the ok to drive small distances like the store etc... which is liberating but I haven't actually driven yet :) It will be helpful when I need to bring kids to daycare on Thursdays instead of having someone drive to my house just to drive them to daycare. So that is a BIG praise for me :)

Prayer Request:

*Seth and I are TIRED!!

*Talin has a double ear infection and if it doesn't go away they already are talking tubes

*Annabelle's behavior and sleep patterns

*Strength---I am having a tougher time dealing with everything lately.

*The snow-safety for those driving to help with our kids and those driving me to apts


Anonymous said...

Oh, Megan and Seth...I wish that there was something I could do to lighten your load. I wouldn't be of any help with the kiddos, as they don't know me and I'd probably just cause you more stress. But if there is anything else that I can do for shopping, laundry, you name it...I'd be happy to serve. Wishing you both a much needed rest. Hang in there!!

Kari said...

Still praying for you guys... I'll add the kids to the list too. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help! I am done with my cold now!

Kat said...

Hi Meg and Seth!
Just catching up on everything that's been happening, wow! This blog is going to be so great for you to look back on, seeing God's hand work as you journey through this healing. We are continuing to pray for you! I wish I could do more, but I've been sick as a dog, and you don't need any of that!
Thanks for the specific prayer requests.

Love you guys,
Trina (and Greg, too! =)