Monday, December 15, 2008

Hello again to all,

Sorry about the lack of updates. Here is the thing not... a lot is going on :). We are still fighting sickness. Annabelle has been feverish since friday (100-103) so that is never fun. Not eating much, and pretty much a lump on the couch. But we here there is a lot of sickness going around. Talin is pretty such good to go, and starting to sit on his own which helps mommy out a lot. I am still on some pretty strong cough medicine and constant sudafed but blessed because I can at least take some meds for relief!

This Wed. I have a two hour chemo treatment at the awesome Lemmon Holton Cancer Center. That is an amazing building just to check out sometime if you are downtown. Most likely I will wiped out that night again but we have helped already lined up.

Overall, I am starting to feel a bit better besides a cold. Still tired here and there, but doing good. I have driven a few times to the store and such, which makes me feel normal. :) Now I know it still takes me twice as long because I still move a bit slow, but it is a sense of accomplishment. Seth and I were able to get most of our Christmas shopping done over the weekend which is also a relief to me.

As of now, I will go into the hosp. Christmas Eve morning and get out Christmas afternoon anywhere from 1:00 to 3:00, and still be able to celebrate with family that evening if all goes well. Our family (Seth, me and the kids) are planning are celebrating our Christmas on Tuesday before I leave again. Not the best but we make do, and I will be out of the hosp. part of Christmas at least!

That's all for now :)


Unknown said...

Hey there. Glad to hear you're feeling better. If you have any Christmas shopping left to do and you don't have the energy....make a list of things you need still and Mark and I will be happy to pick up some stuff for you. Seriously, let me know. I'd be happy to do it.

bushfamily said...

Hey there Nappers... Been thinking about you all. Sure hope Annabelle starts feeling better soon! When she does, I'd love to get her and Andrew together for a playdate! We hope your Christmas (even if it is early) is one of rejoicing and enjoying your wonderful family! Loves

Kari said...

Praying for the colds and sickness to go away for the kids! I hope and pray you have a blessed Christmas!

Amanda said...

I love you guys =)