Thursday, April 2, 2009

Change and no change

Hi everyone,
No huge updates to give you but some little ones. It's been 12 weeks with the chemo i have been on so they finally took out the bleomyicin which has been giving the high fevers and many many blistering areas all over my body. The bleo was the realy toxic stuff I was on, so it's nice to be off that.

My beta count has stayed at 3 for three weeks now so....we are glad it's not going up but it's not going down either. Our guess is that when I go back to the oncologist they will most likely switch my chemo again to something else. Which can change my schedule and who knows what else. So prayers in this area would be appreciated. Thanks


Unknown said...

Always praying. Let us know if there's anything we can help with.

MBush said...

Oh Man. I know you've got to be frustrated. Being so close to zero but.... I'm praying for you friend. Everyday! Keep your chin'll beat this soon. Never forget, God is bigger! Lots of Love, M

Amanda said...

We are praying that you will hit that big fat 0 soon.

Kari said...

Still praying for you!