Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A brand new start

Hello everyone,
Sorry I have been meaning to update this sooner but time slips away. Anywho...I finished my my five straight days of chemo. Towards the end it got a bit draining and by the weekend I was totally exhausted beyond belief. But with help from family we were still able to give Annabelle a wonderful 3rd birthday party on Saturday. Sunday was a really really tiring day for me as well.

Then on Monday I went to get fluids and a blood transfusion. Turns out I ended up having some sort of reaction to the blood-fevers, headaches, lots of pain in the back, light headness, and nausea all came. So I stayed almost an extra hour and a half at chemo to relief the symptoms before heading home. I ended up getting probably a little more than half the blood I was intended to get. Good news however...my beta count...last time we knew it was like 4300 something, now it has gone back down to 1400 something!!!!!! The new chemo is working!! That has given me the strength and hope to keep on going . :)

Tuesday has been a semi normal day for me. The new blood has given more energy so it seems good to be able to walk from room to room without getting tired. Thank the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever!!!!


MBush said...

Praise God!! Good to hear Annabelle had a good party! Awesome to hear you're doing well. Keep your chin up, girl! God is good!

Unknown said...

So glad the count is down!! Still praying that it continues to drop.